Passionate Gathering EU Integration: Experts Reflect on “European Moldova” Assembly

The ‘European Moldova’ Assembly held on May 21 saw a significant number of people who were clear about their aspirations. The participants at the Great National Assembly Square are set to become advocates for the idea of European integration in their respective localities. “The fact that there was a large crowd and a critical mass of citizens who desire European Moldova matters,” stated participants during the “Expertise Hour” program, as reported by

“Yesterday, I recalled August 27, 1989. Thank God we have reached this day, a day of national cohesion. I witnessed thousands of people with bright faces, united by an idea and awareness that the Republic of Moldova needs peace and freedom, which the EU can offer. After this event, the CPE Summit follows another unprecedented event, aligning with the growing internal mobilization wave. Taking advantage of the assistance from the EU, NATO, and Romania, we have every chance to turn our homework into reality and turn the page on our unhappy past,” declared Oazu Nantoi, a PAS deputy.

According to Ion Terguță, there was a great deal of emotion present on Sunday in the Great National Assembly Square. “The people who came there came with the feeling that they desire European integration. I would be more skeptical when it comes to cohesion because 40% of the population of the Republic of Moldova wants something else, according to surveys. I expected this event to be something similar to the Snagov agreement between Romanian political parties. What the Republic of Moldova aims for is a political option. Leaving the Eastern space and integrating into the Western space is both a political and a civilizational option. Yesterday was an event filled with emotions that will serve as an impetus for future actions. The most interesting aspect is the intellectual element of society that came out in the Great National Assembly Square, people who know exactly what they want. These people who were at the square will become promoters of this idea in the localities where they live,” the journalist stated.


Terguță also emphasized the significance of Sunday’s event for the Republic of Moldova.

In the opinion of the former prosecutor of Chișinău, Ivan Diacov, the “European Moldova” Assembly “was a very well-organized event. This event put forward a dream of the people of the Republic of Moldova, which we will have to work hard and concretely to achieve, as we walk the path to the European Union alongside Ukraine, which is fighting on the battlefield. The conscious majority of the population was present in the Great National Assembly Square and expressed their opinion, and that matters,” concluded Diacov.

In this context, political commentator Roman Mihăeș mentioned that the presence of the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, at the Assembly on May 21 was highly important. Metsola implied that Moldova would be able to join the EU even if it fails to fully integrate the Transnistrian region.

“There was considerable cohesion. In my opinion, there were at least 80,000 people. The fact that there was a large crowd and a critical mass of citizens who desire European Moldova matters. The presence of Roberta Metsola was very important. There is a decision made somewhere that actually consolidates the faster acceptance of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine into the EU. Perhaps 2030 is a realistic year for Moldova to be accepted into the EU. The precedent of Cyprus exists. Metsola hinted that we can join even if we fail to fully integrate the Transnistrian region.”

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