Breaking News! An international member of the Vetting Commission resigns

Maria Giuliana Civinini, one of the three international members of the Vetting Commission, has notified the President of the Parliament, the Chair of the Legal Appointment committee, and the Chairperson of the Vetting Commission of her intent to resign effective on 15 May 2024.

“In a letter to the Parliament, Ms. Civinini stated that it had been an honor to serve on the Commission and she was grateful for the opportunity. A new member may be appointed by Parliament as provided in Law 65/2023,” the Commission’s press release reports.

Ms. Civinini is a retired judge with more than 40 years of experience in the Italian judiciary, including President of the Tribunal in Pisa and Member of the High Council of the Judiciary.

“Commission chairperson Scott Bales thanked her for her many contributions to the work of the Vetting Commission, extending from the adoption of its rules through the evaluation process,” the Commission stressed.


The Vetting Commission conducts the external evaluation of judges and candidates for the position of judge at the SCJ under the provisions of Law 65/2023. The assessment involves detailed verification of the financial and ethical integrity of the subjects. For the evaluation of ethical integrity, the review period is up to 10 years. The Commission verifies whether the subject has admitted in his/her professional activity arbitrary behavior or conflicts of interest incompatible with the position held.

For the assessment of financial integrity, the review period is up to 12 years. The Commission verifies the subject’s compliance with the tax and legal rules governing the declaration of assets and personal interests, the manner of acquisition of assets owned or possessed, as well as the expenses related to the maintenance of those assets and the sources of income.

The Vetting Commission is made up of six members: three international members, Scott Bales, Maria Giuliana Civinini, and Lavly Perling, and three national members, Andrei Bivol, Iurie Gațcan, and Lilian Enciu.

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