Breaking news! Electricity tariffs in Moldova could double in a few days

Household consumers served by Premier Energy may face a new electricity tariff of 5.13 lei per kilowatt-hour (kWh), up from the current rate of 2.34 lei. In northern Moldova, consumers served by FEE Nord could see their rate increase to 4.53 lei per kWh from 2.84 lei. Electricity operators submitted these proposed adjustments to ANRE, according to

The tariff for electricity transportation may rise by 47%, as outlined in the operators’ request.

The Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE) mandated that authorities approve the new tariffs within five days of receiving the requests.

FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS, FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! reports that the tariff increases stem from the higher cost of energy imported from Romania. This development follows Gazprom’s suspension of gas deliveries to the Dniester’s left bank on January 1, 2025. Moldova now sources electricity at a cost of €61 per megawatt-hour (MWh).

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