Charles Michel: I am convinced that we will grant Moldova the status of a candidate country

The European Council will decide on Thursday whether Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia will receive candidate status. Charles Michel believes that these states have clear prospects for integration.

The statements were made by the European official before the meeting of European and Balkan leaders. The European Council meeting is set to begin at 14:00.

Earlier, community leaders discussed the draft statute. According to, the document could be voted unanimously.

“It simply came to our notice then. I am convinced that today we will grant the status of candidate countries to Moldova and Ukraine. We see clear European prospects for Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, “Michel said before the summit.

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On June 17, the European Commission recommended that Moldova and Ukraine be granted candidate status. It was then suggested that Georgia should not be granted status for the time being, and that the Tbilisi government should consolidate reforms.

We remind you that Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova have applied for EU membership after Putin launched the Russian invasion of the neighboring country. In this context, France proposed the creation of a European Political Community with simplified integration procedures, and the United Kingdom proposed a similar initiative, wishing to be at the forefront of any international organization.

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