China donates an indespensable medical device to Moldova

The People’s Republic of China donated to the Municipal Clinical Hospital of contagious diseases for children a ventilation device, produced in 2022. The price of the equipment would reach the amount of 709.3 thousand lei, IPN reports.

“This equipment is indispensable for the intensive care and resuscitation section, especially during the Covid-19 period. We have children with respiratory insufficiency and this kind of equipment are a necessity. It is a device for the latest mechanical ventilation, a very good device that will help us ”, mentions the director of the hospital, Ludmila Bîrca.

At the same time, the doctor thanked the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China for this donation and said that the device will be used in serious cases:

“Our hospital gives help to both children from the Republic of Moldova and refugee children from Ukraine. Medicine has no borders, especially infectious diseases. This device will be in our reserve and we will use it in case of emergency ”.

“We were in the front line during the pandemic. That is why the equipment is very necessary, especially in critical times, such as these. I am very glad that today we can receive this device from the city of XI ‘. I hope the device will be useful for the health of our children, for all those who need it, ”said the mayor of the capital, Ion Ceban.

The ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Moldova, Yan Wenbin, said that his country will continue to support Moldova in all areas, including the field of medicine.

“I hope this device will help children, but we hope that the equipment will be used as rarely as possible and all children will be healthy. The Embassy of China, including myself, will continue to give you all our support, ”said the official.

The City Hall of Chisinau concluded the twinning agreement with the Chinese city of Xi’an last year. The document is valid until 2027. In 1997, the memorandum on establishing friendship and cooperation between Chisinau and Xi’an was signed.

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