Creation of the Gagauz autonomy

On 23rd of December 1994, the ­Parliament of the Republic of ­Moldova adopted the “Law on the special legal status of Gagauzia”

The year 1988, south of Moldova, Comrat – the Gagauz intellectuals are meeting at discussion tables, debating on historical and cultural issues. They were concerned with the fact that the Gagauz language started to slowly disappear from day-to-day life and was no longer taught in schools. In 1988 the representatives of the Gagauz intellectuality created the movement Gagauz halkî, translated as Gagauz people.

On the 21st of May 1989, during the first congress of “Gagauz People”, the group’s resolution was voted, requiring the creation of an autonomous republic in the south of Moldova with its capital in ­Comrat. One year later, on the 19th of August 1990, the group led by Stepan Topal proclaimed Gagauzia to be an autonomous republic within the USSR. The Government from Chisinau declared that decision to be unconstitutional. In March 1991, a referendum was organized on the territory of Gagauzia, in the framework of which the majority voted to stay within the componence of USSR.

Meanwhile, on the 27th of August, ­Moldova acquired its independence. In that context, the disagreements between Chisinau and Comrat increased.

After a long process of negotiations, with the involvement of several national and international leaders, including the presidents of Turkey, with a range of mutual compromise agreements, ­Comrat accepted return of the Gagauz community into the Constitutional framework of the Republic of Moldova.

On 23rd of December 1994, the Parliament adopted the “Law on the special legal status of Gagauzia”, providing for the unity of the country with guarantees of a range of self-administration autonomous rights.


Today, Gagauzia is an autonomous territorial unit with a special status, which is also a form of self-determination of the Gagauzians, as a component part of the Republic of Moldova. It has three official languages. Many European organizations consider Gagauzia to be a successful model for the resolution of ethnical conflicts.

The emergence of Gagauzia as such was not only a major event for the Gagauz from our region, but also an important benefit for the entire Republic of Moldova. Through negotiations, without any blood being shed, which was even an exception we may say, an autonomy emerged.

Vitalii Sirf, historian, philology PhD

Whenever I talk to foreigners about Gagauzia, I emphasize this as a best example of a peaceful conflict settlement on the territory of the former USSR. The multi-ethnical factor is a peculiarity of the Republic of Moldova, which should become its business card.

Ivan Duminica, history PhD

This material was developed in the framework of the project “Supporting institutionalized and sustainable dialogue on Gagauzia Autonomy”, implemented by CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation and financed by Sweden. The opinions expressed in this material pertain to the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of CMI or of Sweden.

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