Disclosures from Mihai Popsoi: There are conflicts among the employees of the Moldovan Consulate in Moscow

There are conflicts among the employees of the Moldovan Consulate in Moscow, claims Mihai Popsoi. The head of diplomacy in Chisinau stated in an interview with MoldresĀ that the institution will be “restructured.”

“There are difficulties, with some internal disputes. We will make efforts to reset the Consulate and the entire mission to reduce or, ideally, eliminate these conflicts which are detrimental to the mission,” said Popsoi.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also mentioned the intention of opening Moldovan embassies in several member countries of the European Union. He stated that Chisinau aims to broaden its diplomatic network, with no current EU countries opposing this.


At the same time, the official noted that financial constraints are limiting the ministry’s ambitions. One solution would be to appoint non-resident ambassadors, thereby maintaining a diplomatic presence in distant countries.

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