DOC Government wants to develop Moldova with artificial intelligence: which can have a profound impact on the economy

The government in Chisinau wants to use artificial intelligence (AI) to develop Moldova. The “White Paper” on data governance and AI is to be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The document was drafted by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation of the Republic of Moldova (MDED), with the consultation of business people, public institutions, IT specialists, academics, and others.

“The conclusions expressed in the “White Papers” are based on a previous assessment of publicly available policy documents, reports, and analyses, as well as national and international regulatory and policy frameworks related to data governance and AI. In drafting the “White Paper,” concrete recommendations made by international organizations have been taken into account, especially in cases where countries are starting processes to develop policy documents in this area,” the document’s methodology states.


The paper’s authors note that the development of artificial intelligence over the past two years may generate a new technological revolution, impacting education, medicine, culture, agriculture, government efficiency, and productivity in entrepreneurship.

“The “White Paper” is the preliminary tool through which the actions of government institutions will be aligned, connected, and intensified to produce results, subsequently shaped into a national policy document, action plan, and politically endorsed governance framework. (…)

The implementation of AI technologies can have a profound impact on Moldova’s economy. The exact extent of GDP growth due to AI technologies depends on several factors, including the level of adoption of AI, investment in R&D, existing infrastructure, and the ability of the workforce to adapt to new technologies,” the book’s authors say.

It is estimated that by 2030 about 70% of companies will use at least one artificial intelligence technology. Technology will generate about 1.2% annual growth in global GDP. Thus, the authorities consider that, in the context of the EU accession process, Moldova needs to adapt its regulations in this field, to be prepared for the changes in the field of information technologies that will occur globally.

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