Dorin Recean held a meeting with the US special envoy for Ukraine’s economic recovery: what did the officials discuss?

The meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker addressed Moldova’s pivotal role in Ukraine’s recovery, the imperative of bolstering regional infrastructure, and the necessity of attracting investments to our nation, as reported by the government’s communication department.

Expressing gratitude for the support extended to Ukrainians by the American side, the official underscored its significance in fortifying the security of the entire European continent. Concurrently, the prime minister underscored Moldova’s commitment to contributing to Ukraine’s recovery through projects beneficial to both Ukrainian and Moldovan citizens.

“We are steadfastly dedicated to implementing projects for enhancing infrastructure and streamlining logistical processes, along with initiatives within the energy sector. Simultaneously, we are fostering the business infrastructure’s development to maximize the influx of investment projects, including those tailored to the Ukrainian market and its demands,” remarked Recean.


Recean highlighted the opportunities our country offers entrepreneurs and the promising sectors conducive to successful business development. These encompass the energy sector, particularly focusing on sustainable energy solutions, pharmaceuticals, information technologies, electronics, and the automotive industry.

Penny Pritzker affirmed the enduring commitment of the United States to serve as a steadfast partner for the Republic of Moldova in endeavors aimed at modernizing the nation, enhancing connectivity, attracting investments, and advancing the European agenda.

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