Eco-Friendly Labeling System Introduced in Moldova: A Step Towards Environmental Sustainability

The symbol of the ecological label has been registered with the State Agency for Intellectual Property. Thus, products and services that meet primary environmental criteria will be easier to identify, facilitating the implementation of the best practices for environmental protection and public health, as well as product recycling.

The ecological label is a graphical symbol applied to a product, packaging, brochure, or other informative document accompanying the product/service, providing necessary information regarding the criteria for awarding ecological labels to products and services in the market.

The ecological labeling system is voluntary and will be granted to groups of products, from major production domains to tourist accommodation services, with the following objectives:

  • Promoting environmental protection and reducing the impact of products or services on the environment.
  • Informing and encouraging the production of environmentally labeled products and services.
  • Encouraging the application of environmental principles in the design and development of products and services.
  • Improving sales and/or the image of a product through “eco-marketing” strategies and distinguishing them from non-distinctive products.

The development of the regulatory framework for eco-labeling was carried out within the project ‘European Union for the Environment’ (EU4Environment), funded by the European Union with the support of the NGO ‘EcoContact’. The executive approved the Regulation on ecological labeling on April 12, 2023, at the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, a document that will come into effect in April 2024.


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