Enhancing Bilateral Trade: Moldova and Israel Aim for Expanded Economic Cooperation

Moldova and Israel share a common interest in initiating negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement. The teams are already working to prepare these negotiations,” stated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Nicu Popescu, during a press briefing held on the occasion of the visit to Chisinau by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Eli Cohen, as reported by IPN.

According to the head of Moldova’s diplomacy, in 2022, the volume of foreign trade with Israel amounted to $42 million, which is 70% more than in 2021. This indicates the presence of untapped potential. Consequently, there is a desire to increase the amounts in bilateral trade.

Moldova is interested in increasing the export of cereals, fresh and dried fruits, nuts, carpets, as well as purchasing mineral and other types of fertilizers, stated Nicu Popescu.

In Moldova, there are 408 enterprises with Israeli capital, which have made investments of approximately 67 million lei.


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