Equipment worth more than 500 thousand dollars for the maternity hospital in Balti

At the maternity hospital in Balti, women will give birth in better conditions. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) donated over half a million dollars worth of equipment to equip delivery wards, intensive care, gynecology wards, operating rooms and post-surgery rooms. Thus, with the support of the United States government, thousands of women will give birth safely and have access to quality gynecological services.

“There are the long-awaited tables, the armchairs for births which are absolutely new. All equipment is new. There are lamps for operating rooms, there is the equipment for the provision and proper functioning of the anesthesia service, intensive therapy for adults and newborns. There are machines for the intensive care of adults and newborns, fetal intrauterine surveillance monitors during labor,” said Carolina Frumusachi, head of the Balti Perinatal Center.

The Perinatological Center was equipped with new furniture, cots for newborns, but also beds for women who were hospitalized with gynecological problems.

“Within the last 30 years, the hospital did not have such financial support and equipment as it does today. Not to have a birthing chair, a birthing table with all the features, that changes the position of the body, with removable parts, that you can raise it, lower it to different levels. That would mean that you would have a primitive birth, under a tree, or somewhere at home,” said Ala Condrea, vice director of the Balti Clinical Hospital.


“This stretcher has these handles, which means that the patient on this stretcher will not fall, which is a risk here. There is room for the oxygen balloon, in case the patient is connected to the oxygen mask, and no less important, it is this position that we can fix to be semi-elevated”, explained Rodica Gramma, national consultant, UNFPA.

In total, UNFPA is going to equip 7 maternity hospitals and 2 specialized hospitals with high-performance equipment.

“It’s the equipment that saves lives. We are talking about emergency in obstetrics, in gynecology. This endowment includes equipping a room from scratch. The total cost of the project for equipping the medical institutions included in the project is over 2 million dollars. More specifically, we are talking about 2.4 million dollars”, added Rodica Gramma.

The equipment was procured in the context of the humanitarian crisis. They are to be installed in the beneficiary institutions during the next 2 months.

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