The First Forum for Social Responsibility in Health: How to be treated better in medical institutions?

The limited access to public information for patients, the low level of trust of citizens in medical institutions, but also a low involvement of patients in the health system favors the need for a more active process of social responsibility in health. In this context, the Swiss Red Cross, in partnership with AO “CASMED” and AO “HOMECARE” organized the first Forum for Social Responsibility in Health, held today in Chisinau.

The event had the purpose of familiarizing the public with the concept of social responsibility, its role in increasing the quality of medical services, but also national and international practices in the field.

During the Forum, the participants revealed the experience gained in the partnership with 5 hospitals and a pilot health center in the north of the country, as well as authorities and national level institutions, actively involved in the process of social responsibility.

“When we say “social responsibility”, we include such a vast field of activities that I don’t know if a single project can cover all the needs. Social responsibility starts from ourselves, we have to take responsibility ourselves, to see what we do in institutions, what are the rights of the patient, what are the rights of the medical worker, their right to have access to high-performance equipment, to safe working conditions, to breaks, to shifts that do not come one after the other, due to the lack of medical staff, to volunteer activities, which, we must admit, are not yet developed in our society. I really want us to work on the development of volunteering elements, because involvement allows people to train themselves through their actions and learn important things”, said Ala Nemerenco, Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova.


Experts from Great Britain, Belgium and Romania shared with the public their experiences of social responsibility in health, through the lens of medical insurance, patient associations, but also of other international practices. And the specialists from the Republic of Moldova presented the existing mechanisms and their role in improving medical services and cooperative relations between doctors and patients. Social responsibility in health is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, which supports the development of the medical system in the Republic of Moldova.

“Through all the programs supported by Switzerland, we promote social inclusion, everyone’s access to quality health services, and in this sense, we insist on implementing the principles of good governance, transparency and social responsibility. At the same time, we encourage and support the participation and active involvement of both civil society and service users in actions to monitor the way accountability programs are developed and implemented, as well as how transparently public funds are made more efficient. Each of us must have access to the services he needs, without facing major financial difficulties”, says Viorica CreÈ›u, Deputy Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office

Also during the event, the participants learned more details about the social campaign “Are you treated well?” and the web platform, which aims to inform the public about its rights and responsibilities, but also to promote the solutions available in Moldova for more equitable access to health services.

“Social accountability is a mutual commitment between public institutions, citizens, civil society organizations, which must participate in the governance process. Today, we are talking about how we can empower any citizen, any person living in the Republic of Moldova to benefit from services, because everyone wants to have quality services at a fair price. This is why it is important to involve both sides, both citizens, regardless of the areas in which they are located – rural, urban, as well as government institutions, civil society, all those who want and propose to play a role in social responsibility”. declared Inguna Dobraja, the Country Director of the World Bank for Moldova, Europe and Central Asia:

The forum brought together about 100 guests – representatives of the national health authorities, donors, managers of republican, municipal and regional medical institutions, international experts, civil society organizations and patient groups.

The Forum for Social Responsibility in Health is part of the project “Equity in health through social responsibility”, implemented by the Swiss Red Cross, in partnership with the Public Association “CASMED” and the Public Association “HOMECARE”, with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

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