Moldova to be equipped with military drones with the support of Germany

Germany will supply the Republic of Moldova with military drones as part of a support that will be offered to our country. The announcement was made by the Minister of Defense of Germany, Christine Lambrecht, on October 1st, in Chisinau, during her meeting with the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Moldova

“We have good cooperation with Moldova in various fields, including military training, which we want to further intensify. We also have a good collaboration in the field of supplying military equipment. It is not a secret if I say that we will help Moldova acquire military drones, as well as other equipment. Since we are now in consultation with the experts, I cannot give you more details, but it is not the right time either, but I assure you that we will find good solutions in this regard”, said the Minister of Defense of Germany.

We remind you that the Republic of Moldova will receive 40 million euros from the EU for the modernization of the National Army. The money will be used for the development of the defense system against cyber-attacks, the purchase of drones, non-lethal military equipment, etc.


It is worth mentioning, the USA announced at the beginning of September that it has earmarked 2 billion dollars, of which one billion will go to Ukraine, and the second billion will be divided between 17 countries for the modernization of the army. Among these states is the Republic of Moldova.

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