EU Council conclusions regarding Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova

The European Council reiterates its condemnation of war and atrocities committed by Putin’s soldiers in Ukraine and demands Russia cease fire and respect the neighboring country’s internationally recognized borders.

In a strong statement issued by the European Council, the leaders of the European Union expressed their condemnation of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin for the continuing violence and bloodshed. They called on Russia to respect international law and immediately withdraw its troops from Ukraine.

The statement also emphasized the need to protect nuclear facilities in the region, and that the EU will participate in the investigation of war crimes committed during the conflict. The leaders of the EU warned Putin that if the aggression continues, including with the support of Iran and Belarus, new sanctions will follow.

The EU also pledged to continue to support Moldova, including in its efforts to join the European Union. The European Council invited the European Commission to present a support package before the next meeting.


The Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration welcomed the conclusions of the European Council, saying that they reaffirmed the EU’s continuous support for the country’s accession process to the European family.

“We are grateful for the EU’s commitment to strengthening the resilience, security, stability, economy, and energy supply of the Republic of Moldova, especially in the context of attempts by external actors to destabilize our country. The Republic of Moldova is fully committed to its path towards joining the European Union, and we appreciate the EU’s support in this regard,” the Ministry stated.

The statement comes after months of escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with multiple ceasefires broken and ongoing violence in the Donbas region. The EU has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict and has been providing humanitarian and economic aid to the affected areas.

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