Joint Declaration of Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee adopted in Brussels

The Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee has appreciated the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in several key areas and called for more European support for the country. At yesterday’s meeting, a joint declaration was adopted following an analysis of the current situation of Moldova-EU relations, the implementation of the Association Agreement, and the fulfillment of the country’s candidate status for EU accession. The statement refers to three essential aspects: Moldova’s accession to the European Union and the Association Agreement, the rule of law and judicial reform, and Moldova’s geopolitical situation.

The document acknowledges the significant efforts made by the Republic of Moldova and the progress made in several key areas, including combating violence against women, fighting corruption, and the judicial sector. Furthermore, the declaration mentions that Moldova’s accession to the European Union represents a geostrategic investment in a united and strong Europe. The signatories of the declaration urge the European Commission and Council to begin negotiations for Moldova’s accession to the EU as soon as possible, preferably by the end of 2023, after the fulfillment of the nine recommendations.

The authors also ask the European Commission to continue providing financial support to Moldova, to help the country meet some of its additional financing needs in 2023 and to provide additional reforms to increase financial support for Moldova. The Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee urges EU institutions to ensure the implementation of solutions to reduce and eliminate roaming tariffs between Moldova and the EU.


Regarding judicial reform, the joint declaration acknowledges the progress made in this sector, including the pre-vetting procedure for new members of the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Superior Council of Prosecutors and the implementation of legislation on trials in absentia. The authors of the declaration also call for consolidated cooperation between EU member states and Moldovan authorities in investigating banking fraud, especially in ensuring the repatriation of stolen assets and the criminal prosecution of those responsible.

The declaration also calls on EU institutions and member states to swiftly create a separate regime of sanctions against Moldovan citizens recognized for corrupting Moldova’s political and economic institutions to reduce the financial power of oligarchs and their ability to destabilize the country, as requested by the Moldovan government. Furthermore, the joint declaration supports the call by several European ministers to take action to sanction pro-Russian oligarchs in Moldova.

In the context of the geopolitical situation, the Moldova-EU Parliamentary Association Committee welcomes the decision of the Moldovan Parliament to condemn the Russian Federation’s war in Ukraine, war crimes, and the blatant violation of international law principles. The authors of the declaration condemn the repeated violation of Moldova’s airspace by Russian missiles, Russia’s repeated threats to invade our country, and its attempts to overthrow the government and parliament. In this context, EU member states are urged to use all foreign policy tools to ensure a common EU response to strengthen Moldova’s overall resilience and prevent future destabilization attempts that could lead to the destabilization of the entire region.

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