EU integration and the war in Ukraine, the subject of talks between Grosu and a European Parliament delegation

The Speaker of the Legislature, Igor Grosu, met with members of the European Parliament’s Development Committee delegation on a visit to Chisinau to discuss Moldova’s integration process into the European Union, the aftermath of the Ukrainian war and the management of the refugee crisis.

“We appreciate the support that the European Parliament gives to our state. We remain firmly attached to the processes of European integration “, mentioned the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu.

Grosu also expressed his gratitude for his support in managing the refugee crisis.

“Since the beginning of the war, more than 474,000 refugees have entered the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and today our country is home to about 80,000 Ukrainian citizens who have fled the war. At the same time, we are severely affected economically and socially by this conflict “, added the head of the Legislature.

Please note that between 15 and 17 June, a delegation from the European Parliament’s Development Committee is on a fact-finding visit to Moldova.

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