EU saves Moldova from freezing. It will provide 200 million euros to deal with the energy crisis

The European Union will offer the Republic of Moldova an aid of 200 million euros to deal with the energy and electricity crisis this year, and another 50 million euros will be offered as fixed budget support. The announcement was made today, November 10, by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in Chisinau, who is on a visit to our country and had a meeting with the President of the Republic of Moldova at the Presidency, where she made the announcement.

Ursula von der Leyen specified that 100 million euros will be offered as a grant, and the other 100 million euros in the form of a loan.

“We have prepared an additional package for the Republic of Moldova to deal with the energy crisis in your country this winter. 200 million euros will be granted to the Republic of Moldova to cover its gas needs. More precisely, it is 100 million euros in the form of a grant, and another 100 million as a loan. The money will be granted from January 1, 2023. In addition, we will grant an additional 50 million as budget support to the Republic of Moldova, to support the most vulnerable people. This is targeted budget support. We are working closely with donors to provide a support platform for the Republic of Moldova, which will meet in Paris on November 24. Also, the European Commission is working with the Secretariat of the Energy Community to create a rescue scheme for the Republic of Moldova to purchase energy resources,” said Ursula von der Leyen


For her part, Maia Sandu thanked the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, for all the support and help given to our country so far.

“We do not recognize the annexation of the territories annexed by the Russian Federation from the South of Ukraine. Peace in Ukraine is vital for the whole continent and it is essential for us. The war brought serious effects to Moldova. We are facing an unprecedented energy crisis, which is aimed at blackmail. European solidarity is vital at this time. Only in this way will we be able to preserve our freedom and independence. We are grateful to the European Commission for allocating the 50 million euros, the 75 million to deal with the energy crisis.

We thank all the EU member countries that offered us Moldova. We appreciate the EU’s support in managing the refugee crisis. We rely on the fast reaction capacity of law enforcement. We can continue to contribute to the transit of grain from Ukraine through the Republic of Moldova. We are determined to advance on the path of the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU. We are firmly committed to the reform process, to bring the country on the European path, including the nine conditions of accession. We are determined to go towards this day when Chisinau will no longer be the Capital of a candidate country for EU accession, but an EU member Capital”, said Sandu.

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