European Political Community: The benefits Moldova gained after the four EPC leaders’ summits


How was the European Political Community (EPC) established?

Kyiv, Chisinau, and Tbilisi applied for EU membership after Russia invaded Ukraine. Meanwhile, the EU’s consideration of Balkan states for accession has intensified discussions about expansion.

On May 9, 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed creating the European Political Community (EPC) during a speech in the European Parliament. He officially presented this proposal to the EU Council on July 23-24, 2022. Macron suggested that while countries like Ukraine might take decades to join the EU, the EPC would provide them quicker access to EU support.

“The European Political Community is not an alternative to the accession process but a complementary framework. It would enable stronger structuring of political, energy, and investment relationships. The idea is to create a new cooperation framework, bringing together democratic nations with shared values that hope to join the EU,” Macron explained.

What is the EPC?

The EPC provides a platform for political and strategic discussions about Europe’s future. Member states aim to collaborate politically to address common issues and strengthen stability and security. Leaders from EPC countries first met in October 2022 in Prague.

According to its rules, the Community holds two annual meetings: one in an EU member state and the other in a non-member country.

Relationship between Moldova and the EPC

In May 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron welcomed Maia Sandu at the Élysée Palace. During the visit, Macron invited Moldova to join the European Political Community.

“This Political Community would allow us to participate in discussions with member countries more regularly. We could share our perspective more often than once every few years, as with the Eastern Partnership countries. Macron believes that this mechanism could speed up our European integration process,” Sandu said.

What Did Moldova Gain from the Four EPC Summits

The inaugural EPC summit in Prague in October 2022 brought together leaders from 44 countries to enhance dialogue, cooperation, and stability and to address the impact of the Ukraine war on energy in Europe, including Moldova.

The Bulboaca Summit Brought Moldova Cheaper Roaming in the EU and 600 Million Euros

The EPC summit in Bulboaca on June 1, 2023, resulted in Moldova receiving additional EU support, including reduced roaming charges, EU integration consulting, and 600 million euros. The EU imposed sanctions on individuals undermining Moldova or supporting Russia’s aggression. Additionally, the EU launched the Civil Mission in Chisinau, and Norway pledged 50 million euros to Moldova.


Joint Statement on EU Expansion in Granada

In October 2023, leaders from the European Political Community gathered in Granada, Spain. President Maia Sandu represented Moldova, which is already a candidate country. During the meeting, they discussed migration, security, energy, and the expansion of the European Union.

“Expansion is a geostrategic investment in peace, security, stability, and prosperity. As the EU and future member states prepare for an even larger Union, aspiring countries must intensify their reform efforts, especially in the rule of law, in line with the merit-based accession process and EU assistance,” the joint statement from European leaders read after the meeting.

At Granada, European leaders reaffirmed the EU’s readiness to welcome Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, and the Balkan countries. They stressed that these states must enhance their values and legislation to achieve full membership.

London Summit Enhances Moldova-EU Relations

In July 2023, EPC leaders met in London to discuss strengthening Moldova-EU ties. On the sidelines, key European leaders, including Charles Michel, Keir Starmer, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Klaus Iohannis, and Donald Tusk, talked with President Maia Sandu about how the EU can better support Moldova’s path to a secure and prosperous future.