Experts on what might happen if Moscow stops delivering gas to Moldova

Although the Republic of Moldova has not fulfilled its contractual obligations regarding the audit of Moldovagaz’s debts until May 1st, Gazprom will not risk stopping its natural gas. This is the opinion of energy and economic experts. According to them, Russia can only keep the separatist regime in Tiraspol functional by providing it with natural gas delivered through Moldovagaz. At the same time, experts say that Moldova needs to prepare its natural gas reserves, as the Kremlin’s policy is now completely unpredictable.

According to the protocol signed with Gazprom, the Republic of Moldova undertook to carry out an audit of Moldovagaz’s debts until May 1st and subsequently to create a schedule for the payment of these debts, informs

Although the war in Ukraine turned upside down the commitments made to Gazprom, the Russian concern did not stop the delivery of gas.

“Even if Gazprom disconnects our gas tomorrow, in summer the consumption is low and the gas on the market is as much as you want. Gazprom could not cause us any problems now because we would go to the European market in peace and buy gas at the same price. The second reason is related to the Transnistrian region. Gazprom today cannot deliver gas to the left bank of the Dniester to maintain funding for this separatist regime without a contract with Moldovagaz. If it disconnects us from the gas, Moscow will wake up with a humanitarian crisis on the left bank of the Dniester “, said the energy expert, Sergiu Tofilat during “Cabinetul din Umbra”, a show on JurnalTV.

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Moldova needs to prepare its natural gas stocks as a matter of urgency, as developments in the Ukrainian war could influence Moscow’s gas supply policy, experts say.

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