Explosions in Tiraspol after Moscow announces peaceful settlements in Transnistria

Several explosions were heard this evening near the building of the Ministry of State Security in Tiraspol. Images posted on social media show grenade launcher cartridges.

The press in the Transnistrian region writes that it was an attack with grenade launchers and that no casualties were reported. Traffic in the building area was stopped. Rescuers and firefighters intervened on the spot.

The incident comes shortly after Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko announced that Russia sees no risk in the separatist region of Moldova and wants a peaceful solution to the situation on the left bank of the Dniester.

The Moldovan Office of Reintegration is concerned about the incident that took place today in the city of Tiraspol. According to available information, unidentified people fired grenade launchers at the headquarters of the so-called security structure in the region. There are no casualties or injuries, according to preliminary data.

According to the Office, the aim of today’s incident is to create pretexts for straining the security situation in the Transnistrian region, which is not controlled by the constitutional authorities. In this context, the Office for Reintegration Policy calls for calm and, together with the relevant national institutions, monitors developments in this case.

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