Five Moldavian ambassadors and one consul are recalled: who will take their place?

Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi announced at a cabinet meeting that the government recalled five ambassadors and one consul from their posts. At the same time, he announced new appointments to the vacant positions.

“Foreign Ministry recalled Oleg Nicu from the post of Moldovan Consul General in Milan, Michael Mocanu from the post of Moldovan Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Austria, Adrian Ros from the post of Moldovan Ambassador to Latvia, Ion Stavila from the post of Moldovan Ambassador to Estonia, Alexandru Codreanu from the post of Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Anatol Urechean from the post of Ambassador to Italy.


New appointments:

Anatol Vangeli – Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Victoria Rosa – Ambassador to Austria Mihai Mocanu – Ambassador to Latvia Eugen Caras – Ambassador to Estonia Gabriel Moraru – Ambassador to the Czech Republic Oleg Nitsoi – Ambassador to Italy,” Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi said.

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