Food Prices Surge Over 60% in 3 Years in Moldova, Despite Inflation, Food Waste Continues, says expert Veaceslav Ionita

For three years, food prices in the Republic of Moldova have increased by over 60 percent, stated economic expert Veaceslav Ioniță. The analyst emphasized that despite the inflation-driven rise in food prices, people continue to waste food.

“In the last three years, we have felt what expensive food means, but we still throw it away. Food prices from 2021 to 2023 have increased by 62 percent. This is more than in the previous five years. From 2001 to 2005, food prices increased by 60.9%, which means that what cost 100 lei in 2000 cost 160.9 lei in 2005. Now we see that we have the highest inflation in the last 20 years, something that should make us think: food prices are rising, but we continue to waste a lot,” stated the expert Ioniță.


While some urban residents say they don’t waste much food, others admit that they are forced to discard it because they cannot consume it in time.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the analysis conducted by Veaceslav Ioniță, people bought food products amounting to approximately 12 billion lei last year, which ended up being thrown away. In total, both food waste and losses amounted to over 19 billion lei.

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