Former President IGOR DODON arrested and detained by the anti-corruption prosecutors

The honorary president of PSRM and the former president of Moldova, Igor Dodon, was detained for 72 hours by the officers of the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), together with the anti-corruption prosecutors, after they performed this morning, May 24, at his home and office.

More specifically, the searches took place within the “kuliok” (plastic bag) case. More precisely, it is about the video images from 2019 from the PDM headquarters in which Vlad Plahotniuc sent a plastic bag, in which there would be money, to the president Igor Dodon. In the video images presented, Dodon refuses to take the bag and tells Plahotniuc to give it to Costea (real name: Constantin Botnari), who in turn will send it to Cornel (real name: Corneliu Furculiță, PSRM member). From the video images it results that the money that Dodon takes from Plahotniuc is for the salary of those from PSRM.

Law enforcement officers found half a million lei and tens of thousands of euros at Igor Dodon’s home, reports, referring to anonymous sources. At the same time, at Dodon’s relatives places also were found valuables and imposing sums of money.

The country’s former president, Igor Dodon, is suspected of passive corruption, acceptance of political party funding by a criminal organization, treason and illicit enrichment. Such clarifications were made for by the spokesperson of the General Prosecutor’s Office, Mariana Cherpec.

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