From 56 days to 12 months! Fathers can have a longer paternity leave

The period of paternity leave has been extended by Parliament. Fathers will be able to spend 56 days to 12 months caring for their babies.

The parliament supported the legislative initiative aimed at ensuring work-life balance and more options for involving fathers in childcare. The new rule also provides for the right to share childcare leave between spouses, and the allowance will be calculated according to the salary of the caregiver.

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New regulations are also proposed in the Labor Code, in order to clarify how the employee can benefit from a flexible work regime. At the same time, a new option is provided for the childcare allowance.

Now the parent who goes on leave will be able to opt for an allowance of 90% of the salary for the last 12 months, if he chooses to take it until the age of 1 year and 2 months of the child. The existing options remain valid – 3 years of indemnity – with 30% of the salary.

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