Gavrilita at the Government SME Digital Transformation Program launch

Prime Minister Natalia GavriliČ›a went to the launch of the Government’s Digital Transformation Program for SMEs. Following this program, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will benefit from non-reimbursable financial support, mentoring and information support for business digitization. Natalia GavriliČ›a mentioned that despite the regional crises and the difficult economic situation in the country, the Government identified the necessary resources for support policies for entrepreneurs and approved the Program, which in addition to accessing grants will facilitate transfers of expertise and good practices to beneficiaries.

Thus, the Program will provide an integrated approach to support SMEs, by introducing digital tools, in order to develop the productivity and competitiveness of local businesses. According to the prime minister, as a result, the volume of investments in the national economy will increase, external financial means will be attracted, and the business in the Republic of Moldova will be transformed according to the European model.

“Now that we have obtained the status of a candidate country and we are not only neighbors of the EU, but future members, we have the task of becoming more competitive and modern. Let’s reach the EU states in our economic development and show that we can not only benefit from membership, but also contribute to the development of the entire European Union. In this regard, we count on achieving all the objectives of the Program, creating new jobs, increasing the productivity of beneficiaries and I assure you that we will continue to fund such positive practices. We will only be able to successfully emerge from crises if we invest in our economic agents, in the digitalization of their activity and in the development of new practices. Together we work, invest and integrate in the EU “, said Natalia GavriliČ›a.

The objectives of the program include the efficiency of production and sales processes, the development of electronic commerce, the implementation of business practices friendly to digital transformation, the facilitation of the process of reducing the circulation of physical currency and the development of courier services.

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The beneficiaries of the Program are to be selected on the basis of a competition, in compliance with the eligibility conditions. The beneficiary’s contribution will constitute a minimum of 30% of the value of the investment project, and the non-reimbursable financial support within the Program is a maximum of 70% of the value of the investment project, offered in two installments. It will not exceed 250 thousand lei for micro enterprises and 500 thousand lei for small and medium enterprises. For the implementation of the Program in 2022, the budget provided by ODIMM is 30 million lei. The term of implementation of the Program is 36 months, with the possibility of extension based on the additional financial means available.

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