Joint action plan on streamlining cross-border traffic – signed by Moldova and Romania

The leaders of the customs authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Romania signed the Joint Action Plan on the streamlining of cross-border traffic at the border crossing points between the Republic of Moldova and Romania.

“The elaboration and coordination of the proposals to be included in the Joint Action Plan was one of the topics of the bilateral working meeting held between the leaders of the two customs authorities on June 9, at the headquarters of the Cahul border customs post. The main topics on the agenda of the meeting were the streamlining of freight and means of transport at the common border, mechanisms and tools for prompt intervention in order to minimize waiting times and simplify the process of customs clearance of means of transport at border posts and customs offices. ”.

At the same time, the Joint Plan includes actions such as supplementing the number of customs workers in the Romanian customs offices located at the common border with the Republic of Moldova, to synchronize it with the number of customs officials within the border customs posts in the Republic of Moldova; ordering the redirection of a part of the increased traffic from the Giurgiulești-Galați crossing point to other crossing points; reviewing the technical rules of interaction; forwarding steps to other competent institutions in order to synchronize the actions necessary to streamline traffic through border customs posts and offices; supporting the implementation of the concept of coordinated controls and other measures related to the acceleration of the border crossing process.

“Another action agreed by both customs authorities aims to initiate the necessary steps to implement the exchange of electronic data on empty trucks (possibly with goods) crossing the Moldovan-Romanian border, based on the experience gained in the Pilot Project between the customs authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Romania on the automatic exchange of customs information through the Systematic Electronic Data Interchange (SEED) system with the support of the EU Program “EU4Digital” of March 24-25, 2022 “.

Following the discussions and as a result of the signed Plan, the parties reiterated their firm commitment to streamline cross-border traffic as much as possible and to reach the agreed agreements in the near future.

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