Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița participated, yesterday, in the event dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter. In opening the ceremony marking the UN Day in Chisinau, the Head of Government spoke about the importance of restoring the capacity of the UN system to ensure global peace and security. Natalia Gavrilița also expressed appreciation for the substantial role played by the organization’s institutions in supporting the Republic of Moldova.

“The UN support for our country was crucial, especially in moments of crisis, such as the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also when the Republic of Moldova had to manage the largest influx of refugees we have ever faced. Together, we managed to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the war. We thank you for fully supporting the unprecedented mobilization and solidarity shown by the people of our country”, said the Prime Minister.
The Head of the Executive emphasized that the UN is a reliable partner also in terms of the implementation of the “European Moldova 2030” National Development Strategy. At the same time, the UN-Moldova Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development 2023-2027 is to be signed in the near future. The document includes important strategies that will contribute to the development of the economy, to the strengthening of a solidary and involved society, but also to the improvement of the quality of life of citizens.

“And continued UN support is essential for Moldova to become a country with a high level of quality of life, with a resilient economy and an inclusive society. I am convinced that, together, we will be able to work together to build a modern, European country, a full member of the free world”, said the Prime Minister.

This year is marked the 30 years anniversary of collaboration between the Republic of Moldova and the UN.