Germany will provide financial assistance to Moldova: which families will receive it

Moldovan communities and families will receive support from the German government in accommodating Ukrainian refugees. The Commission for Foreign Policy and European Integration approved an advisory opinion on the start of negotiations on this project.

“Funding for this project aims to improve the quality and availability of specific social and health services for host communities/families and Ukrainian refugees. Technical cooperation to finance the assignment includes services in the form of staff financing and the purchase of necessary funds, as well as financial contributions of up to three million euros. The project implementation unit is the State Chancellery in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Education and Science. After the signing of the Agreement drawn up through the exchange of notes, an Agreement on the implementation of the project will be concluded between the State Chancellery and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)”, the Parliament of Moldova reported.

The project “Support to Moldovan communities in the placement of Ukrainian refugees in the Republic of Moldova” is funded from the funds of the social initiative “Combating the causes of migration, integration of refugees” and will last until December 2024.

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