Government Approves Extension of State of Emergency in Moldova Amidst Border Threats

Although Maia Sandu stated on Tuesday that we are not under threat in the context of the attacks at the border, the Government is requesting an extension of the state of emergency. The project was approved during Wednesday’s Executive meeting.

The state of emergency is set to be extended for another 60 days. Most likely, Dorin Recean will seek the Parliament’s vote during the final session of this term.

“The Republic of Moldova continues to be exposed to asymmetric threats and a wide range of manifestations of hybrid warfare, including the dissemination of false information and manipulations for military purposes, foreign espionage, and the escalation of interethnic and intercommunication violence in tense areas,” as stated in the approved project by the Government.

Moldova has been in a state of emergency since February 2022, when the war in Ukraine began. The measure has been extended several times, citing regional circumstances and military actions at the border.


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