Government solutions for farmers: Cheaper loans, but not for everyone

Farmers from the Republic of Moldova will benefit from an 8.5% interest rate reduction over a period of six months. We are talking about farmers who contracted loans through the IFAD and Livada Moldovei programs. The announcement was made by the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vladimir Bolea, during a press briefing.

Bolea stated that he is aware of the situation created in agriculture, that is why he proposes some solutions to reduce the impact.

Another measure taken relates to the derogation from the Fiscal Code for the payment of land tax for agricultural producers who have suffered as a result of the severe drought of 2022. Therefore, the deadline for paying the tax is established in the case of real estate of legal entities and individuals, registered as an entrepreneur, existing and/or acquired by November 25, including the current fiscal year.


Also, the minister communicated that, together with the specialized parliamentary committee, they are currently working on the draft law that will allow the payment of taxes and fees from the VAT account accumulated during the year by economic agents.

Another project provides for the reimbursement of excise duties on fuel oil used in the processing of fruits, vegetables and sugar production.

MAIA will also modify the subsidy program through the new regulation, where the doubling of the interest repayment amount will be included.

We specify that the farmers, dissatisfied with the fact that the authorities do not support them during the crisis, have announced protests throughout the country for September 20, at 10:00.

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