Great announcement by the Ministry of Finance! Moldovans will be able to borrow from the state from July 31


Moldovans can borrow the state by purchasing state securities through the platform.

The platform, developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the USAID project, will allow direct transactions without intermediaries and commissions for all Moldovan citizens. Through this platform, citizens can invest in government securities. It is among the safest investment instruments due to the full state guarantee.

Government securities include treasury bills, issued for up to one year, and government bonds, issued for more than one year. They are a means by which the state borrows funds from citizens to finance development and growth projects.

The launch of the platform will allow citizens. Whether in the country or abroad, to invest in VMS, provided they have a bank account in Moldova. It will facilitate individual investors’ access to VMS and allow the Ministry of Finance to attract funds for social and infrastructural development projects.


Through, Moldovan citizens can create a personalized account, carry out online transactions related to VMS investments without intermediaries, access up-to-date information on current and historical rates, and manage their accounts and investments 24/7.

This investing type offers numerous advantages, including security, regular income, and contribution to the country’s development. The state guarantees these investments, ensuring financial stability and steady returns for investors.

Since creating the VMS market in 1995, the state has always met the redemption deadlines and paid the corresponding interest.

Thus, the platform will simplify individual investors’ access to VMS in Moldova, making the purchase process quick and easy while contributing to the country’s economic development.