
How does Maia Sandu want to bring the citizens back to Moldova?

Moldovans who want to return to the country after a period spent abroad will benefit from customs and fiscal facilities when importing a car, a bill submitted by the president of the country, Maia Sandu, and voted in the final reading by the deputies in the final reading , during today’s plenary session, July 29.

According to the draft law, citizens of the Republic of Moldova who have lived abroad for at least three years will be able to bring personal property – household items, furniture, equipment and a family car – into the territory of the country, upon return, with certain tax facilities.

Citizens will have to comply with certain conditions. For example, the term of operation of the means of transport must not exceed nine years from the time of manufacture, and the customs value must not exceed 400,000 lei.


At the same time, the means of transport will not be able to be sold, pledged, donated, given in possession or used for 3 years. Also, it must not present defects and/or visible damage caused by accidents in road traffic or force majeure, not be intended for commercial or production activity and meet the conditions prescribed in the project regarding the cylinder capacity of the engine.

The legislative changes will reduce the costs of the return process of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, will motivate the decision of Moldovans to return to the country, will encourage the reunification of families and will contribute to the consolidation of society.

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