How much of the stolen billion has been recovered? The Finance Minister: the number hasn’t been updated much

During the Rezoomat program on RLIVE TV, Finance Minister Petru Rotaru provided an update on the progress of the investigation into the stolen billion from 2014.

The show’s host, Ileana Pirgaru, asked the Finance Minister if there had been any progress on this case.

“We haven’t updated the figure. All the amounts collected are actual revenues to the budget. We are pleased when these figures come in because we didn’t plan for these amounts,” replied Minister Rotaru.


When asked about collections from the stolen billion in 2024, Petru Rotaru specified that there is no exact figure available.

“Perhaps there were figures, but they weren’t substantial. We hope to have more collections,” added the minister.

It’s worth noting that on June 14, 10 prosecutors from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office resigned. Veronica Dragalin mentioned that the chief prosecutor was among her subordinates who decided to leave their positions.

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