Igor Grosu requires help from our ambassadors in harmonizing the legislation

The President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, appealed to the ambassadors of the Republic of Moldova. They are required to present the experience of the countries where they fulfill their mandate. This, in order to be able to harmonize the national legislation with the community acquis. The message was sent by Grosu at a meeting with the ambassadors, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“I spoke to the diplomats about the parliamentary agenda and what we achieved during the one-year mandate. Justice reform remains a priority, and the cleaning of the system has already started. We voted for the law that makes it possible to convict fugitives in absentia and confiscate stolen assets. We started the extraordinary evaluation of judges and prosecutors. Those who protect thieves can no longer work in the system. Another priority of the government is ensuring the energy security of the Republic of Moldova. It is a very complicated subject, but for the first time decisions are made in the national interest, not for foreign interests. In the last months things started to change. We still have a lot to do and in a very limited time,” said Grosu.

The President of the Legislature states that in the next parliamentary session “there is a lot of work” and listed some of them.

“For the next legislative session, we have an ambitious agenda and in all these processes of reforming institutions, modernizing the Republic of Moldova, the expertise of countries that have gone through such experiences is welcome. On this occasion, we called on ambassadors to present their countries’ experience to us. Also, the candidate country status of the Republic of Moldova requires a more intense collaboration between the diplomatic missions and the Parliament and, in my capacity as the president of the Legislature, I gave assurances of total openness in this regard. We need a good legal framework to harmonize the legislation with the community acquis. We also need good laws in the interest of the citizens”, Igor Grosu also conveyed to the diplomats.

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