Maia Sandu calls the diaspora to return home

“We are waiting for you at home not only during holidays. We’re looking forward to your coming back with the experiences you’ve had and the studies you’ve done. We are waiting for you to come back to be with your loved ones”.

This is the message that Maia Sandu sent to the Moldovans living abroad, at the opening of Diaspora Days.

Maia Sandu spoke to the Moldovans about the “great change” that occurred a year ago. Also, about the opportunities that opened up.


“We are now going through a more difficult period, but Moldova has chosen its path and our course towards European modernization is unshakable. We can move forward on this path only with joint efforts. I urge you to keep our faith in each other and in a better future that we can make together. Let’s continue to be in solidarity and work together, with patience and perseverance, to transform this country into a welcoming home for its people”, said Maia Sandu.

The president spoke to the citizens about the crises our country is going through, as well as the efforts the government is making to overcome these difficult moments. These are tough times for the whole country, but also for the international community. This is related to the war in Ukraine, the natural gas crisis, pandemic crisis, fuel crisis, etc.

Also, Maia Sandu thanked the Moldovans abroad, who got involved in completing the questionnaire, which made it possible for our country to obtain the status of a candidate state for accession to the European Union.

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