Igor Grosu to participate in the Crimea International Platform in Zagreb

The President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, will participate in the first Parliamentary Summit “Crimea International Platform”, which will take place on Tuesday, October 25, in Zagreb. The summit is organized by Ukraine and Croatia.

During the CIP, the President of the Parliament will deliver a speech and have several meetings with his counterparts present at the event.

The first Parliamentary Summit “Crimea International Platform” will address multiple aspects of the current security situation in Ukraine and the possibilities of national parliaments and international parliamentary institutions to contribute to the Platform’s priority areas of activity.

More than 50 presidents and vice-presidents of parliament and presidents and vice-presidents of parliamentary assemblies of international institutions will attend the meeting.


A joint declaration will be adopted at the end of the summit. According to the organizers, the meeting is the largest international event at the parliamentary level ever organized in Croatia.

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