In 2022, the Government will give up to 10 national awards

In 2022, the Government will grant up to 10 national awards, which will be awarded during the events organized on the Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova.

The National Award is given to people who have contributed substantially and had a considerable impact on the development of society, science, technologies, culture, art and sport, as well as on strengthening the values, heritage and image of the Republic of Moldova.

At the first meeting of the commission for awarding the National Prize, which met yesterday, the stages of the contest and its conditions were approved. Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, who chaired the commission meeting, said:

“Although it is a complicated and painful year for the whole region, including the Republic of Moldova, it is important not to forget the people whose achievements help the country or even the world to have more good, more creativity and innovation. Traditionally, these awards are given for the achievements of the previous year. That’s why we invite the best of the best candidates to register for the 2022 contest.”

The candidate’s registration file must contain: letter of recommendation, CV, list of publications and that of scientific works, literary works, copies of invention patents, etc.

The National Award consists of a diploma, a medal and 100 thousand lei for each winner.

We remind you that, in accordance with the provisions of Government Decision no. 504/2018 regarding the National Award, the composition of the commission was updated, respecting the principle of representativeness of central public authorities, the academic environment and civil society (Government Decision no. 86-d of 14 July 2022).


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