Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova program, worth 85 million euros, launched in Iași

The Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova program, worth 85 million euros, was launched today in Iași by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, Veronica Sirețeanu, and the Romanian Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Cseke Attila. The beneficiaries of the program are the communities in the counties of Iași, Galați, Vaslui, Botoșani, and all communities throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

"The main characteristic of the program is that it is based on partnership between central and local authorities in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The four counties in Romania are the border counties with the Republic of Moldova, and the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova. The program follows the two previous Interreg programs, which end this year. Obviously, there will be areas that will continue in this new program," said Cseke Attila, as quoted by Agerpres.


"It is very important how this program has actually set its priorities because green economy, social development with a focus on medicine and education are very important, as well as cross-border cooperation. It is extremely important to properly develop this area. These funds can become a very beautiful stepping stone that shows us how a region should develop with European funds," said Veronica Sirețeanu.

The areas targeted by this program are healthcare, education, tourism and culture, climate change, good governance, and border management.

Through this program, medical units and educational institutions can be equipped with equipment and modernized, tourist attractions can be rehabilitated, and partnership projects can be carried out to improve border management. Additionally, personnel in these fields will be able to benefit from joint training and capacity building, exchange of best practices, and awareness campaigns for the local population on disaster prevention and response will be organized.

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