Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova Condemns Hamas Attack on Israel

The Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova has issued a strong condemnation of the recent massive attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas and its allies. The statement underscores the community’s solidarity with Israel and calls for international support in the face of escalating violence.

In a heartfelt response to the ongoing violence, the Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova expressed its profound concern over the unprovoked rocket attacks and acts of terror against Israeli civilians. The community emphasized that these attacks have resulted in countless casualties, including deaths, injuries, and the taking of hostages, with horrifying evidence and eyewitness testimonials painting a grim picture of the situation in Israel.

The recent rocket attacks and the infiltration of dozens of terrorists across the border into Israeli territory represent a significant escalation in Hamas’ relentless campaign against Israeli civilians. Rockets continue to rain down on cities and towns in southern and central Israel, while the threat of Hamas militants on the loose remains a cause for serious concern. The statement also highlighted the fact that bombings have been carried out from Lebanon, with Iran openly supporting Hamas’ actions.

The Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova squarely places responsibility for this massive attack on Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip. The attack was launched without any prior provocation or pretext from Israel, despite Israel’s efforts to improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and its commitment to peace. The community also noted that this attack occurred as relations between Riyadh and Jerusalem were developing, potentially holding promise for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict.


The statement further underscores Hamas’ disregard for the well-being and safety of the population of the Gaza Strip, as they continue to use Palestinian civilians as human shields in their campaign against Israel.

The Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova stressed that the people of the Gaza Strip are not Israel’s enemies, laying the responsibility squarely on Hamas and other terrorist organizations that knowingly operate in densely populated areas and near humanitarian sites. Israel’s efforts to minimize harm to civilians are contrasted with the indiscriminate attacks on civilians by these terrorist organizations, which commit double war crimes by both targeting civilians and using them as shields.

The community, echoing the sentiments of World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder, affirmed its unwavering support for Israel and its security forces during these challenging times. It joined world Jewry and the civilized world in condemning terrorism and Hamas while expressing unequivocal support for Israel’s inalienable right to self-defense.

In addition to the support from the international community, the statement acknowledged the leadership of the Republic of Moldova for expressing its position in support of Israel on October 7, 2023. The Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova emphasized the urgency of unequivocal condemnation of the ongoing violence.

In conclusion, the Jewish Community of the Republic of Moldova conveyed its condolences to the families of the victims and stood in unwavering solidarity with the people of Israel. The statement ended with a resounding affirmation: “Am Yisrael Chai – The people of Israel are alive!”

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