“Josep Borell Declares Transnistria No Longer a Barrier for Moldova’s EU Accession”

The European Union’s chief diplomat, Josep Borel, has declared that Transnistria is no longer a problem for Moldova’s accession to the EU. Speaking at the Political Community Summit, Borel emphasized that Moldova can become a member of the EU despite its territorial issues. He cited Cyprus as an example of a country with territorial problems that still managed to join the EU.

Moldova has announced its intention to join the EU and hopes to begin negotiations by the end of this year. In a resolution adopted on April 19, members of the European Parliament recommended that negotiations with Moldova should begin by the end of 2023, after the country has fulfilled the nine stages identified by the European Commission.

The European Parliament also called on the Moldovan government to continue its reform agenda on democracy and the rule of law, to implement the Association Agreement with the EU and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, to address organized crime and serious international and transnational crime, and to continue efforts to increase the country’s energy security.

The resolution also includes a call for the immediate sanctioning of those involved in attempts to destabilize Moldova. With these steps, Moldova is on its way to becoming a member of the EU, and the EU is committed to supporting the country’s efforts towards this goal.

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