Do you like to dance to the rhythms of Techno & Electro music and want to break away from the urban routine? In that case, MoldovaLive have found the perfect location for you! AO Poiana People invites you to the 4th edition of the “LAPOIANA” festival. It will take place in the park of the village of Glinjeni in FăleÈ™ti, between August 19-20.

This year, the organizers aimed to diversify the repertoire of the festival. They invited performers and bands of rock and rap music. On the first night, the soloist Satoshi will perform on stage, accompanied by his band, with a set of rap music.
Satoshi (Rap), DJ Daniel’s Wave (Techno). Dj Kovalenco (Electro / Techno), DJ Markus Lawyer (Electro / Techno), DJ DENISEZ LEFTER (Electro / Bigroom), DJ KOHMAN (Techno), DJ MAVRIN (Techno), will perform during the Festival.
A camping space will be available on the territory of the park, intended for the installation of tents and electric caravans.

How do you get to the Festival?
- Chisinau – Glinjeni;
- Own transport or minibus from the North Station;
- Balti – Glinjeni;
- Own transport or minibus across from the “Constantin and Elena” Church;
The whole park will be at your disposal! It is indispensable to have a blanket and a good mood, and the organizers take care of the rest. The purpose of the event is to develop musical tourism and root the cult of the “festival” in the rural regions of the north of the country.
Tickets can be purchased HERE.