Levon Khanikyan officially appointed as CEO of Victoriabank

Levon Khanikyan has been authorized by the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova to officially take over the mandate of CEO of Victoriabank.

Levon Khanikyan joined the team of Banca Transilvania in 2021, when Idea::Bank Romania, where he held the position of Executive Vice President Risk – Member of the Management Committee, became part of Banca Transilvania Financial Group. Levon Khanikyan ended his term as Vice President in Idea::Bank Romania in April 2022, after seven years. 

“I had the opportunity to get to know Moldova before taking up my position at Victoriabank, and I have since convinced myself that it is a country with many possibilities for development and with considerable potential for undertaking the European requirements and integration into the European Union. I want to participate in this process, because I know exactly thechallenges, but above all, the advantages. I am deeply honored by this opportunity to contribute to the consolidation of Victoriabank’s outstanding success on the banking market, especially since I came from home to home: from Romania to the Republic of Moldova. I am confident that the bank’s achievements, especially regarding the digitization of our services, will grow and cover an even wider range of banking processes. I am sure that, together with the Victoriabank team, we will carry out many projects that will bring benefits to customers”, says Levon Khanikyan, CEO of Victoriabank.

“I am confident that Levon will continue the success ofVictoriabank’s digital transformation and, together with the team, will place the bank in the first position in the top of the quality of services offered to customers. It is the moment when I take stock and see that Victoriabank is a trend setter in Moldova in the area of digital, cards, corporate transparency and human banking. I am handing over the baton, being confident in the successful future of the bank. I return to Banca TransilvaniaGroup with a sense of professional fulfillment and will remain close to Moldova in the years to come. I thank the entire Victoriabank team for the five eventful years of my career, and I wish my colleagues the impetus and inspiration to achieve everything they have set out to do during these years and beyond“, Bogdan Pleșuvescu, CEO of Victoriabank in the period 2018-2023.

Bogdan Pleșuvescu held the position of CEO of Victoriabanksince Banca Transilvania became the majority shareholder of Victoriabank, in 2018. Bogdan Pleșuvescu coordinated the integration of Victoriabank into Banca Transilvania Financial Group and, together with the team, placed Victoriabank at the top of the list of banks on the local market, which offers digital services: Victoriabank is today the only 100% online bank in the Republic of Moldova. Bogdan Pleșuvescu will remain within BT Financial Group, in Romania, after receiving approvals from the authorities.


The new CEO of Victoriabank has over 20 years of international managerial experience in the banking field, in the areas of risk management, lending to SMEs and individuals, respectively operations on capital markets. Levon Khanikyan has worked in Romania and other Eastern European countries. In the last seven years, he held the position of Executive Vice President Risks – Member of the Management Board at Idea::Bank Romania. Previously, Levon Khanikyan held senior positions in several banks in Belarus (2009-2015), Armenia (2007-2009), Georgia (2006-2007) and Ukraine (2004-2006).

Levon Khanikyan holds an MBA in International Management, from FH Graduate School Pforzheim, Germany and is a member of CFA Society Romania. He speaks Armenian, Romanian, English, German and Ukrainian.

About Victoriabank:

Victoriabank is part of the largest financial group in Romania, Banca Transilvania, and is the only 100% online bank in the Republic of Moldova. Founded in 1989, Victoriabank is the first commercial bank in the Republic of Moldova, one of the most recognized brands in the country. In 2018, Banca Transilvaniabecame the majority shareholder of Victoriabank, together with the EBRD. The bank’s investments in digital platforms are a priority, as they represent the future. Victoriabank is the first bank to introduce payments by phone, through the free VB24 Pay app, in 2019 – payments with Garmin Pay, and in 2022 – Apple PayGoogle Pay and Xiaomi PaySalut Card, the new debit card, with many advantages and zero costs, with access to all Victoriabank digital services among the innovations of the year. Also, in 2022, Victoriabank launched the online Customer Questionnaire Update (KYC) service and the Digital Onboarding platform, being the only 100% online bank in Moldova. Victoriabank has more than 270,000 active customers, has over 1,000 employees with an average age of 34 and has 100 branches in over 30 localities across the country.

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