Luc Frieden, Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is visiting the Republic of Moldova

Luc Frieden, Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, is visiting the Republic of Moldova. Today, Prime Minister Dorin Recean officially welcomed him to the Government House.

They honored the Luxembourg Prime Minister with a military ceremony, playing the national anthems of both countries. After greeting the delegations, the two prime ministers held a bilateral meeting, followed by an expanded meeting with delegations from both nations.

Following the discussions at the Government House, Prime Minister Frieden will visit the Presidency to meet President Maia Sandu.

Prime Minister Recean had previously met with Prime Minister Frieden in June during the first Republic of Moldova-European Union Intergovernmental Commission meeting, which formally launched Moldova’s EU accession talks.


Authorities will restrict access to certain areas in Chisinau’s city center and key routes to the airport during the Luxembourg Prime Minister’s visit. They urge drivers to follow traffic officers’ instructions, remain patient, and comply with road regulations.

Moldova and Luxembourg established diplomatic relations on June 16, 1992. In 2021, Moldova’s foreign trade with Luxembourg reached $2.5 million. Currently, 31 companies with Luxembourg capital operate in Moldova, with an invested capital of 131 million lei.

Luc Frieden has served as Prime Minister of Luxembourg since November 2023.

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