Maia Sandu after the EPC Summit: Moldova Shined as the Heart of Europe Thanks to Its Hardworking and Dedicated People

In an inspiring message following the CPE Summit held on June 1st in Bulboaca, President Maia Sandu praised the hardworking and dedicated people of Moldova for making the country the center of Europe.

“On June 1st, together we made history – Moldova became the center of Europe. This achievement did not happen by chance, but thanks to the diligent and dedicated people; some contributed more, others less, but everyone worked tirelessly to make this event possible,” stated the head of state.

The 2023 European Political Community Summit brought together 48 heads of state, prime ministers, and high-ranking officials from the European Union. This significant gathering provided unprecedented international visibility for the Republic of Moldova, with nearly 700 journalists reporting live from the venue.

The successful hosting of the summit showcased Moldova’s potential on the global stage and highlighted its commitment to European integration. The event served as a platform for fruitful discussions on key topics such as security, energy, and continental stability, solidifying Moldova’s aspirations for a prosperous European future.

President Sandu’s message of gratitude extends to all those who contributed to the success of the summit, emphasizing the collective efforts that made the event a resounding achievement. The remarkable visibility gained and the dedicated reporting by journalists have further amplified Moldova’s presence in the international arena.

This milestone not only showcased the country’s progress but also served as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Moldova’s emergence as the center of Europe for the CPE Summit signifies a significant step forward in its journey toward a brighter and more prosperous future.


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