Majority of Moldovan Citizens Support the European Path, Reveals Opinion Poll

The results of an opinion poll conducted by the Center for Sociological Research and Marketing “CBS-Research,” commissioned by the Community for Advocacy and Public Policy “WatchDog.MD,” show that the majority of citizens of the Republic of Moldova support the country’s European path.

The survey indicates that our society is still quite polarized regarding Moldova’s accession to the European Union or the Eurasian Economic Union. While the majority of the population supports our country’s European path (58.5%), a significant number of respondents also express support for the Customs Union (37.9%).

There is a certain reluctance among the population regarding NATO membership, with 52.6% of respondents opposing such accession.

The poll also reveals that Moldovans do not support Russia’s war against Ukraine. Over 40% of respondents believe that it is an unjustified invasion in which no one provoked the Russian Federation. Over 24% consider Putin personally responsible, 17.8% blame the United States, and approximately 16% blame Russia.

More than 38% believe that Ukraine is right in this war, while 18.9% think Russia is right. Over 26% believe neither side is right. 51% believe that Ukraine should not cede territories to stop the war.


The survey further highlights the top three major concerns of Moldovans: a war in the region (45.6% of respondents), prices (42.1%), and the future of their children (37.5%).

President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, continues to enjoy the highest level of trust (open-ended question, without response options) among the population (37.9% of the total sample or 46.5% of those who have made a decision) among political figures in the country.

The research was conducted from June 10th to June 19th, 2023, on a stratified sample of 1,121 individuals aged 18 and older. The sample is representative of the adult population of the Republic of Moldova, with a maximum margin of error of +3.1%.

The survey was organized as part of the project “Assessing the Impact of Disinformation and Toxic Propaganda on Public Opinion in the Republic of Moldova,” funded by the European Union.

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