Mazeiks about Moldova’s EU accession referendum: “It will be the reflection of the people’s will. We will respect any decision”

The referendum will reflect the will of Moldovan citizens and we will respect the will of the people, whatever it may be. The head of the EU Delegation to Moldova, Mr. Janis Mazeiks, said this. The referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union may be held on the same day as the presidential election. According to the ruling party, both events could take place in October.

“The referendum will reflect the will of Moldovan citizens, and we will respect the will of the people, whatever it may be. If you look at the polls, the attitude of citizens towards the European Union is quite positive. If the citizens of Moldova decide that (European way) is not their way, we will cooperate with the government as long as the authorities want to react,” Janis Mazeiks said during the program “La 360 de grade” on Radio Moldova.

He said that the European Union will continue to support the Moldovan citizens, regardless of whether they vote in favour or against the EU accession.


“Even in the worst periods between the European Union and Moldova, we still supported Moldovan citizens and worked with non-governmental organisations because there were times when the government did not react. I hope and am convinced that this time it will not happen, but we will respect any will of the people,” the head of the EU Delegation to Moldova said.

It should be recalled that on December 24, 2023, President Maia Sandu, when announcing her candidacy for a new term as President, called for a national referendum on accession to the European Union in autumn 2024, held on the same day as the presidential election. Later, the PAS parliamentary majority voted for amendments to the Electoral Code, allowing for a republican referendum on the day of the parliamentary, presidential, and local elections. Consultations are now taking place at the Presidency on this referendum with people from several fields.

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