“Dear Citizens,
We are closing a year that has tested us in many ways and opened new paths. At the year’s end, we often leave behind what we dislike and focus on our successes, fueled by the hope for better days. This year, we have lived through challenging times in exactly that spirit.
As a nation, we find joy and pride in the things that unite us. Even in difficult times, we made room in our hearts to celebrate Moldova’s achievements. We cherished every medal our Olympians and athletes brought home, our students’ success, every life a doctor saved, and every moment a teacher nurtured a student’s potential.
We applauded our musicians, actors, painters, and writers. We honored the dedication of social workers, police officers, soldiers, civil servants, and journalists who served the country with integrity. Yet, 2024 also revealed divisions that weaken us.
We must not shy away from acknowledging this. Instead, we must confront these challenges directly, ask difficult questions, and seek honest answers. Tonight, as we transition into a new year, let us collectively look in the mirror and ask ourselves who we are as a nation. It is time for Moldova to embrace both its strengths and its flaws. Loving our country means not ignoring or denying its problems but committing to solving them.
Through love for our homeland, we can address challenges, build bridges between one another, and move forward together. We cannot let our differences widen the gaps between us. We can narrow these divides only by accepting our differences and recognizing our shared hopes.
We all want the same things: to live in peace, stay healthy, enjoy a better life, and leave our children a safe, promising future. Every Moldovan has a role to play in achieving this national goal. No country is perfect; fairy-tale lands exist only in stories. However, we know nations are living better than we are, and we aspire to join their ranks. Together, we have chosen the path to the European Union. We are making progress.
Now, we must choose: either lament the hardships or press on with determination. New Year’s Eve is a perfect time to reflect as a nation. Can we stop lamenting our fate? Can we stop blaming ourselves for setbacks? Can we stop doubting our country’s potential? I believe we can. We have already demonstrated the strength of a united Moldova. To succeed, however, we need as many of us as possible to believe in this vision.
I urge you to view the new year as a chance for unity. Look around at the people with you tonight. Your community reflects our nation. These are the people you love, respect, trust, and rely on—people you want to build a future with. Together, we create Moldova. With each triumph, we all succeed. And in our hardest moments, hope endures because we support one another. Moldova’s strength lies in its people.
Dear Moldovans, wherever you are in the world, let us step into 2025 with confidence in one another. Believe in Moldova’s bright future, shaped by its dignified, hardworking, and compassionate people. Let us look to one another with gratitude. I thank you all and feel immense pride in being your fellow citizen. I am proud of Moldova and its people.
Happy New Year, Moldova!” Maia Sandu said.