Mihai Popsoi believes that the Transnistria conflict can be resolved by 2030: “I cannot offer any guarantees, but it is possible”

According to Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi, the Transnistrian conflict could be resolved by 2030. However, Moldova’s Foreign Minister is unwilling to provide assurances that this will occur.

The interviewee made these statements to Agerpres. Popsoi remembered that his father had fought in the war on the Dniester. He reiterated that the government in Chisinau aims to resolve the dispute peacefully.

“The level of success we achieve is also influenced by regional limitations, as you correctly noted. We have the complete backing of our partners and associates in Ukraine, not to mention Romania.

The Russian Federation’s position is the most problematic, as they have maintained troops and ammunition on our territory for 30 years despite numerous requests from the authorities in Chisinau and the international community to evacuate them. Moreover, the Russian Federation made a public international commitment in 1999 at the OSCE summit in Istanbul. It is true that it soon changed his position and gradually forgot about that commitment,” Mihail Pospoi said.

The head of diplomacy in Chisinau stated that Russia insists on Moldova’s neutrality, but the Kremlin administration violates this principle by keeping troops on the left bank of the Dniester. “We need to work with our international partners to make diplomatic efforts towards the moment when the Russian Federation realizes it must withdraw its military presence, which has no legal basis in the Republic of Moldova,” considers Popsoi.


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