“Moldova Chooses Europe” campaign in Edinet. Find out what people think about European integration.


“There I want. The law is the law”, “Let’s live better, like in Europe, let everything be like in Europe and prices not higher than in Europe,” or “I am in favor of European integration because in Europe we have a brighter future.” These are the opinions of Edinet residents on the EU and Moldova’s European integration.

“It’s good. The road is good and clear. We are going forward. How can we go backward? The crayfish are going backward. We have to go forward. Suppose we don’t vote to go the European way. There will be more poverty. Only towards Europe, I don’t see any other way,” said a resident of Edinet.

Moldovans hope that after EU accession, there will be more jobs in Moldova, salaries will not be so low, and the diaspora will return home.

“If the citizens will benefit, then yes, but if things stay the same, then I don’t see how we will move forward,” added one young woman.


The Vox, which took place in the city of Edinet, is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” in which we go to cities across the country and talk to citizens about Moldova’s accession to the European Union.